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英美的碩士學位分成MSc, MA(Master of Art), 及MBA(Master of Business ... 被擺在不同學院是一樣的,MScMA差別並不大,可能在課程提供上有些許出入

MA:Master of Arts,人文碩士

MSc:Master of Science理工碩士

MBA:Master of Business Administration,企管碩士。


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(1) What is the difference between a research degree and a taught programme?

A taught Masters degree (normally an MA, MSc or MEd) is an award granted on the basis of a taught course offered by an institution as a common experience. A research degree is awarded on the basis of an individually initiated and registered research programme. The programme is built around a supervised thesis on a substantial piece of work, which has to show evidence of originality (PhD only) and contain material worthy of publication. It also involves an element of research training through generic courses and taught modules and/or courses.



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2009 學年 Studera.nu 開放個學科志願

2008 學年 Studera.nu 開放個學科志願

December 1 2008

Online service will open for applications to Master programmes.
January 15 2009

Final application date for applicants from non EU countries.  

February 1 2009

All the required documents must have reached Strömsund.

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在她的建議下,我將本來在Mricosoft 下載CV格式換成歐盟國家現在通行的 Europass CV



1. 盡量不要修改STYLE,FONT(採用Arial Narrow)和SIZE,但事實上我自己有小小地修改了Footer。手賤...

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No 校名 (1) 國際排名 (2)歐洲排名 (3) 瑞典國内排名

1 卡羅林斯卡醫學院 (1) 45 (2) 7 (3) 1

2 uppsala University (1) 60 (2) 15 (3) 2

3 Stockholm University (1) 93 (2) 31 (3) 3

4 Lund University (1) 99 (2) 35 (3) 4

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Study in Sweden



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2007學年度開始,瑞典各大學已陸續採用新的學制,以配合歐洲高等教育整合運動:布隆尼亞歷程(Bologna Process)。新學分制將分成基礎、進階、和研究三個層級。每個層級各有其最低入學門檻,並具體界定每個層級的學位,規定學生的學習成效和所應具備的 能力。各大學也會詳述基礎層級和進階層級中個別課程的教學目標。

原本瑞典國定的學分制度也將改為歐洲標準的ECTS學分制。瑞典舊制的40學分等同於ECTS體制 的60學分。基礎層級設有兩種學位:修業二年授與「hogskoleexamen」大學文憑;以及修業三年授與「kandidatexamen」學士學位。

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瑞典為方便本國學生及國際留學生申請國內各大學及學院,瑞典高教署與全國大學服務處 (NationalAgencyforServicestoUniversitiesandUniversityColleges,Verketforhogskoleservice, 簡稱VHS)合作建立一平台(註1)以便利學生網上申請大學,此法將傳統紙本申請大學課程方式電子化,不僅節省郵件往返費時的問題亦方便各項行政處理。

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