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包益民的10本私房創意書(選自30雜誌 2006年 9月號)

1.《Andy Warhol Fashion》
作者:Chronicle Books LLC Staff
推薦原因:一般人對普普大師安迪‧沃荷(Andy Warhol)的印象不是番茄罐子就是瑪麗蓮夢露的複製畫,但是這本書蒐集的是他的素描畫作,你會很驚訝他的功夫真的很紮實,美感非常夠,這是不容易見到的安迪‧沃荷的一面,任何從事設計或是時尚、廣告的人都可以看看,內容太豐富了。

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The Art of Being Kuna

◎ 在巴拿馬的第一本書

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Book Group Questions
1. A number of characters in this novel could be considered "villains." What motivates each of these individuals? What role do misguided passions play in their actions?

2. As a symbologist, Robert Langdon has a wealth of academic knowledge that helps him view the world in a unique way. Now that you've read The Da Vinci Code, are there any aspects of life/history/faith that you see in a different light?

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Graham Greene on The Quiet American:

When my novel was eventually noticed in the New Yorker the reviewer condemned me for accusing my "best friends" (the Americans) of murder since I had attributed to them the responsibility for the great explosion -- far worse than the trivial bicycle bombs -- in the main square of Saigon when many people lost their lives. But what are the facts, of which the reviewer needless to say was ignorant? The Life photographer at the moment of the explosion was so well placed that he was able to take an astonishing and horrifying photograph which showed the body of a trishaw driver still upright after his legs had been blown off. This photograph was reproduced in an American propaganda magazine published in Manila over the title "the work of Ho Chi Minh" although General Thé had promptly and proudly claimed the bomb as his own. Who had supplied the material to a bandit who was fighting French, Caodaists and Communists?

…Perhaps there is more direct rapportage in the The Quiet American than in any other novel I have written. I had determined to employ again the experience I had gained with The End of the Affair in the use of the first person and the time shift, and my choice of a journalist as the "I" seemed to me to justify the use of rapportage. The Press conference is not the only example of direct reporting. I was in the dive bomber (the pilot had broken an order of General de Lattre by taking me) which attacked the Viet Minh post and I was on the patrol of the Foreign Legion paras outside Phat Diem. I still retain the sharp image of the dead child couched in the ditch beside his dead mother. The very neatness of their bullet wounds made their death more disturbing than the indiscriminate massacre in the canals around.

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> 哈囉,
> 我想推薦大家一本留學參考書,是
> Getting What You Came For by Robert L. Peters
> http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0374524777/

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By Coetzee, JM


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