The Art of Being Kuna
◎ 在巴拿馬的第一本書
今天要和大家很有氣質的介紹一本書 ”The Art of Being Kuna - Layers of Meaning among the Kuna of Panama” 是由UCLA Flower Museum of Cultural History於1997年所出版的。
之前聽其他志工說有一本專門關於介紹Mola(摸拉。原住民所製作的布織工藝。)的書,就一直想要找到,可是巴拿馬人真的是很不喜歡看書,所以書店少的可憐,一些小書局要什麼沒什麼,所以探聽之下,原來要到巴拿馬市的El Dorado的一家什麼都有賣的Gran Morrison(這裡很多這種店,就像是我們的百貨公司濃縮版)這邊的書量還算是不少耶,向店員詢問之下,才知道現在沒有這本書了,以前真的有><”~~~啊~~~~真是晴天霹靂啊!
不過很好的是我看到了這一本”The Art of Being Kuna - Layers of Meaning among the Kuna of Panama” 不只是關於Mola,還有他們的日常生活中的一切事物。哇!這正是我所要的!很精采,有很漂亮的彩色照片,研究分析的深入文章,就像是誠品裡面看到國外精裝的畫冊一般的規格,不過一本居然要六十塊錢,我ㄧ個月也才賺一百塊啊,不過購物欲就是克制不了,領到薪水第一件事就是來買它!
等我好好的研究完這本書,我就要去San Blas好好的印證一下了!!
◎UCLA Flower Museum of Cultural History官方網站所做的簡介
Edited by Mari Lyn Salvador with essays by Jorge Ventocilla, Joel Sherzer, James Howe, Mac Chapin, Carlo Severi, Alexander Moore, Sandra Smith, and Marta Lucía de Gerdes
The remarkable arts and culture of the Kuna of Panama are accessible as never before in this comprehensive, beautifully illustrated volume. From the familiar molas—reverse appliquéd pieces with a complex history—to their music, dance, and verbal arts, the Kuna live their values and bind their people together. This focus and strength has helped them to resist outside forces and maintain their culture and self-determination in the face of peoples and governments far more powerful. But modern life's impact does not leave their homeland untouched. Kuna leaders today must strike a delicate balance between holding firm to their beloved values and lifestyle, and guiding their people in negotiating the new values, technology, and consumerism of today's ever-shrinking world.
9 x 12 inches, 360 pages 330 color and 187 b/w illustrations, 1 map, 1997
- Jul 10 Sun 2005 01:55
The Art of Being Kuna