朋友Javier跟我說過他有聽過一首Vera之歌,本來想說我這麼Old Fashioned的名字,怎麼會有搖滾鬼最愛之一的英國迷幻搖滾天團Pink Floyd(平克佛洛伊德)演唱過呢?

沒想到是真的!這首歌收錄在1979年反體制主張的《The Wall》專輯中耶!


Peaca and Love, Anti War


by Pink Floyd Album: The Wall Date: 1979

(Background: Where the hell are you?)

(Radio announcer: Over 47 German planes were destroyed with the loss of only 15 of our own aircraft)

(Background: Where the hell are you Simon?)

Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn?
Remember how she said that We would meet again
Some sunny day?
Vera! Vera!
What has become of you?
Does anybody else in here Feel the way I do?

【Song facts】

就是活躍於第二次世界大戰期間的英國女歌手Vera Lynn,她也是一名當時BBC電台節目「Sincerely Yours」的主持人。她所演唱的歌曲在WW II期間造成服役軍人的熱烈歡迎,可說當時的鄧麗君喔!時常前往戰火前線勞軍。這是這首歌所提及的女人。

第二個謎是在歌詞中的"Remember how she said that We would meet again"
Pink Floyd怎麼會跟Vera Lynn說我們要再次相見?你們是很熟是嘛?

原來 "We'll meet again." 是Vera的一首Classic,充滿了陽光溫暖,帶給當時身陷戰場的士兵們無線希望的歌曲。 

而主導前衛搖滾團體Pink Floyd的靈魂人物Roger Waters在The Wall專輯為什麼要為Vera寫一首歌呢?原來在The Wall,是一有名的專輯暨電影,可以說是Roger Water表達自我想法的自傳式專輯暨電影,而Roger的父親就在是WWII不幸身亡的,所以他時常在創作的歌詞中提及戰爭。在The Wall電影中他不僅引用了Vera Lynn所演唱的"The Little Boy that Santa Forgot"作為片頭曲;在這首Vera,也融合了We'll meet again中歌詞,內容是在說一位沒有父親的男孩,追憶著沒有辦法再見到面父親,Vera不是說我們可以在相見嗎?在那樣陽光燦爛的日子? 


【關於Vera Lynn】
Vera Lynn, born March 1917 in London, England. By age seven she was singing on regularly in working men's clubs and then she joined a dancing troupe where she stayed until she was 15. Vera Lynn's debut broadcast was in 1935 when she sang with the famous Joe Loss Orchestra. Before the war, she also worked with such luminaries as Charlie Kunz. However, it was during the Second World War that Vera Lynn found fame.

We'll Meet Again
by Vera Lynn

We'll meet again,
Don't know where,
Don't know when,
But I know We'll meet again
Some sunny day.
Keep smiling through
Just like you Always do
Till the blue skies
Drive the dark clouds
Far away.
So will you please Say hello
To the folks That I know Tell them,
I won't be long.
They'll be happy to know
That as you saw me go I was singing this song.

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