◎ 大快朵頤也不會胖
Ceviche又名Seviche或是Cebiche (Raw fish marinated in lemon juice浸泡在檸檬汁裡的生魚)。Ceviche最重要的烹飪方式就是使用酸味的果汁將海鮮悶熟!這聽起來很神奇,不過就真的是如此!因為不使用油、又是健康的白肉,完全遵守低卡路里的原則,可謂是怕胖的女性(隱喻就是指大魚本人)的一大福音啊!只要一片蘇打餅乾夾上一點Ceviche,就是絕佳的開胃菜、也是很棒的下酒菜呢!真的讓人不吃不可。
There is a theory that pre-Hispanic peoples cooked fish with a fruit called "tumbo." The Inca's ate salted fish and a chicha-marinated fish dish. The Spanish contributed the Mediterranean custom of using lemons and onions.
There are other historians that believe that Ceviche's origin is Arabian, imported to Peru by Arabian immigrants and re-interpreted by the Peruvians of the coastal areas.
The other version is that some English-speaking people, who watched fishermen on the coast of Peru eating their fish directly from the sea with just lemons and salt, said "See the beach." Since this is a phrase that the locals could not repeat well, they instead pronounced it "Ceviche."
還有一種說法是從前一些說英語的人們,看到祕魯的漁夫直接沾上檸檬和鹽巴食用新鮮的漁獲,他們稱之為"See the beach."不過不說英語的當地人不能發出很標準的音,所以順口就以"Ceviche."的諧音稱之。
◎ 材料
1 lb. boneless corvina一磅無骨的Corvina魚
1 1/2 cups finely chopped onion一又二分之ㄧ杯切碎(小小小小丁)洋蔥
1 1/3 cups fresh lemon juice一又三分之一杯的新鮮檸檬汁
1/2 cup finely chopped celery二分之ㄧ杯切碎(小小小小丁)芹菜(我個人覺得可有可無,因為有挺多人不喜歡芹菜的特殊味道。)
1/4 cup finely chopped fresh cilantro四分之一杯切細碎的新鮮胡萎
1/2 hot pepper finely minced (optional)二分之一杯辣椒粉(斟酌個人口味,我可能會放更多一點)
Cut fish into bite-size pieces and place in a glass bowl, at least 2 inches high. Add all the other ingredients, mix, lemon juice should cover the fish. Cover with plastic wrap, put in refrigerator. Allow one day for fish to cook in the lemon juice. Garnish with onions, serve with crackers or saltines.
◎ 大快朵頤也不會胖
Ceviche又名Seviche或是Cebiche (Raw fish marinated in lemon juice浸泡在檸檬汁裡的生魚)。Ceviche最重要的烹飪方式就是使用酸味的果汁將海鮮悶熟!這聽起來很神奇,不過就真的是如此!因為不使用油、又是健康的白肉,完全遵守低卡路里的原則,可謂是怕胖的女性(隱喻就是指大魚本人)的一大福音啊!只要一片蘇打餅乾夾上一點Ceviche,就是絕佳的開胃菜、也是很棒的下酒菜呢!真的讓人不吃不可。
There is a theory that pre-Hispanic peoples cooked fish with a fruit called "tumbo." The Inca's ate salted fish and a chicha-marinated fish dish. The Spanish contributed the Mediterranean custom of using lemons and onions.
There are other historians that believe that Ceviche's origin is Arabian, imported to Peru by Arabian immigrants and re-interpreted by the Peruvians of the coastal areas.
The other version is that some English-speaking people, who watched fishermen on the coast of Peru eating their fish directly from the sea with just lemons and salt, said "See the beach." Since this is a phrase that the locals could not repeat well, they instead pronounced it "Ceviche."
還有一種說法是從前一些說英語的人們,看到祕魯的漁夫直接沾上檸檬和鹽巴食用新鮮的漁獲,他們稱之為"See the beach."不過不說英語的當地人不能發出很標準的音,所以順口就以"Ceviche."的諧音稱之。
◎ 材料
1 lb. boneless corvina一磅無骨的Corvina魚
1 1/2 cups finely chopped onion一又二分之ㄧ杯切碎(小小小小丁)洋蔥
1 1/3 cups fresh lemon juice一又三分之一杯的新鮮檸檬汁
1/2 cup finely chopped celery二分之ㄧ杯切碎(小小小小丁)芹菜(我個人覺得可有可無,因為有挺多人不喜歡芹菜的特殊味道。)
1/4 cup finely chopped fresh cilantro四分之一杯切細碎的新鮮胡萎
1/2 hot pepper finely minced (optional)二分之一杯辣椒粉(斟酌個人口味,我可能會放更多一點)
Cut fish into bite-size pieces and place in a glass bowl, at least 2 inches high. Add all the other ingredients, mix, lemon juice should cover the fish. Cover with plastic wrap, put in refrigerator. Allow one day for fish to cook in the lemon juice. Garnish with onions, serve with crackers or saltines.